Home / Simply Discipline / You Will Be Good When I’m Through With You, complete – Simply Discipline

You Will Be Good When I’m Through With You, complete – Simply Discipline

You Will Be Good When I’m Through With You, complete, with Sky Terrapin and Peaches

Peaches is in the corner, nose to the wall, in his old-fashioned tighty whiteys. The statuesque Miss Sky Terrapin strides into the room, holding a strap, brush, and wooden spoon. She places the implements aside, sits, and beckons Peaches to her side.

Sky scolds the contrite Peaches for his recklessness in having sped on the highway despite her having told him, multiple times, to slow down. His feeble excuse is that his excitement over having her nearby got the best of him. She informs him of the punishment he has coming, with all three of her implements.

She orders him to pull down his underpants, and he delays, so she just pulls them down to his ankles herself. He tries to hide his jutting erection, but she slaps his hands away, and yanks him down over her lap, as his undies take flight.

Sky immediately applies fast, sharp hand spanks to his naughty, bare bottom, lecturing him all the while on his responsibilities when behind the wheel. His whimpering could not begin to deter her from her intention of burning his butt! Annoyed by his wiggling, she pinions one if his legs under one of hers, and hers are much stronger.

Having warmed his buns nicely, Sky reaches for the wooden spoon, and vigorously stings his cheeks to a nice, rosy red.

Releasing him for the moment, Sky announces that it is time for Peaches to be belted, and bends him over a chair. He promises to be good, and she tells him “You will be good, when I’m through with you!”.

Raising the belt high in the air, she rains down 30 nasty strokes as Peaches tries to count them out loud and maintain his position.

Finally, she stands him up and tells him “the brush is coming next”. She once again puts him over her lap, and, again, firmly locks down his legs with her own, knowing he tends to wiggle with the brush.

Solid, rapid fire spanks are applied with a heavy, wooden bath brush. Peaches cries and cries, and promises over and over to be good, but she just keeps on paddling his toasted bottom! She drives her message home until Peaches is reduced to a crying, miserable, contrite naughty boy with a bright, red bottom. He tells her over and over, “I’m sorry now!”.

She releases him. His hands immediately try to rub some of the pain out of his burning bottom. She takes him onto her lap for some hugs and tender aftercare. The matter has been resolved, and Sky Terrapin has made Peaches a good boy again.

Sky Terrapin

File Name : YWBG complete.mp4
File Size : 777.27 MB
Resolution : 1920×1080
Duration : 00:13:09


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