Home / Spanking Princess Kelley / Aunt Chris, Part 2 – Miss Kelley May

Aunt Chris, Part 2 – Miss Kelley May

Stunning Princess Kelley and video legend Miss Chris are teamed again for this second video in the “Aunt Chris” series from SPK. As remarkable as the first video was, this one increases both the intensity, and the temperature of poor Kelley’s behind. It is hard, solid spanking from start to finish.

Spoiled brat Kelley has been shipped off to live with her strict Aunt Chris, and has found the going to be a bit rough. Already she has experienced her first spanking, ever, a scorching event delivered with gusto to her pampered bottom by her firm-handed aunt.

However, her sore bottom wasn’t enough incentive for her to behave, not quite yet. She sneaks off in the night to attend a raucous party, and tries creeping back in the early morning hours.

Aunt Chris is waiting for her.

She finds herself immediately over Chris’ knee, where she is the unlucky recipient of hundreds of butt-sizzling spanks, courtesy of one VERY angry aunt. Chris wastes no time spanking the seat of Kelley’s virtually non-existent silver sequined min-dress, and quickly raises the back of her dress to get to the seat of the problem.

It is painfully obvious that Kelley has broken a list of rules: staying out after curfew, leaving without telling, attitude, smoking, drinking, and napping overnight with a guy. It looks like she’s going to have to give Kelley the real deal this time.

Kelley’s tender buns are completely vulnerable, and her reactions are immediate and intense. We are treated to close-ups both of Kelley’s lovely face, grimacing in pain, and her perfect-ten bottom, turning redder and redder with every scalding smack. After what seems like an eternity to the punished niece, Aunt Chris pulls out a long-handled, menacing wooden spoon. Whatever sass Kelley had previously disappears like magic, and she is suddenly a very scared, submissive goes right to work, skipping all the niceties and roughly pulling down the seat of Kelley’s panties, then proceeds to blister her misbehaving rump with a long, hard spanking with the wooden spoon. Kelley’s response is golden: yelping in pain, kicking wildly, loud promises to behave, all punctuated with “Yes, Ma’am’s.”

The spanking finally over, Chris warns her naughty niece to get a few hours rest, rest that she’ll need in order to complete the long list of chores she has been assigned for the day. Kelley also loses her cell phone until further notice. A very subdued, punished young lady, she scampers out of the room when Chris dismisses her.

At least, getting the chores should be relatively easy, since Kelley won’t be talking on the phone today, or sitting down.

Kelley May, Miss Chris Grey

File Name : auntchris2med.mp4
File Size : 302.98 MB
Resolution : 1280×720
Duration : 00:09:27

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