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Before Our Livestream – Saerock Spanking

We were just getting ready to film a video before our first live stream, in the school girl outfit that I was going to wear for it, when I got cranky and started acting out. I was already over his knees expecting to shoot a fun video but ended up with tears streaming down my face. Implements used: hand, carpet beater, belt, syringe, butt plug.

1万人記念生配信撮影の前に学生服を着て記念動画を撮ろうとしていたのですが、ふてくされてしまいお仕置きを受けることに・・・ お膝の上で撮影開始・・・と思ったら思わぬ展開になり、お浣腸まで受け、最後には涙で顔がぐちゃぐちゃに・・・ 配信前のまさかの出来事でした。道具:手、布団叩き、ベルト、浣腸器。


File Name : Before Our Livestream.mp4
File Size : 2198.24 MB
Resolution : 1920×1080
Duration : 00:37:43


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