Home / Spanking 101 / Figging Kajira, Part 1 – Spanking101thevideos

Figging Kajira, Part 1 – Spanking101thevideos

Sassy Kajira Bound is getting another well-deserved spanking from Tubaman, but she keeps kicking her legs in the way. Obviously, a lesson needs to be learned. Tubaman places her in the corner, where she rubs her aching butt as he shaves a large piece of acidic ginger root into a buttplug, puts her BACK across his knee, shoves the stingy root into her behind, and blisters her bottom AGAIN. Afterwards, she must stand in a stress position in the corner with the root still in her rear end.

Sassy Kajira Bound has been acting up all day, so Tubaman decides he’s had enough and tosses his naked friend across his knee for a well-deserved spanking.

Problem is, Kajira keeps clenching her butt.

So finally, after several warnings, Tuba puts his naughty Subbie in the corner and goes to fetch some nice, fresh ginger root. . .

Kajira Bound, Paul Rogers

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