Home / Strictly English Spanking Clips / NEW in HD – The Girl with the Spankable Bottom – Part 1 – 1920 x 1080p MP4 version – Strictly English Spanking Clips

NEW in HD – The Girl with the Spankable Bottom – Part 1 – 1920 x 1080p MP4 version – Strictly English Spanking Clips

Lauren has just been fired by Mr. King for embezzling money from the company and may now face prosecution. She took the money because the firm had not paid her for hours of unpaid overtime she been doing, and to add insult to injury, they had passed her over for a pay rise. As a result she had fallen into financial difficulties and felt she had no choice. Now she faces a bleak future and so she has come to see Steve, a director of the company, who she knows has a soft spot for her, to see if he can use his influence with Mr. King to help her. Steve is sympathetic and he agrees they should have paid her for the overtime, but says he is not sure he can do anything to help her.

Lauren reminds him that at the last Christmas office party he groped her bottom and also she has text messages he sent her. One time when she was late for work he had text that she deserved to have her bottom smacked. She says if he doesn’t help her she will show them to Mr. King, and what is more, she will say that it was his idea, that he suggested and helped her steal the money to pay her off to keep silent about the texts.

Steve is furious that she is trying to blackmail him but he has no choice and says he will phone Mr. King. After the call he tells her that he has persuaded King to re-instate her and drop the charges on condition that she repays the money and accept some punishment. He says he will get her the money to make the re-payments as long as she deletes the texts.

‘What sort of punishment?’ she asks.

‘Corporal punishment.’ Steve replies, ‘Spanking.’

She is shocked at this proposal and gets up to leave. Steve stops her and says ‘Look if you go down, I go down with you and I’d as soon be hung for a sheep as a lamb.’ and with that he hauls her over his lap saying ‘I’ll show what a spanking is.’ He pulls up her skirt, takes down her knickers and gives her close to 100 spanks.

‘In a few hours you wont even feel that, it’s not so bad and it will get you your job back.’ He tells her.

Reluctantly she agrees and when Mr. King arrives she says ‘Let’s get it over with then’ as she lifts up her skirt. King says not so fast, he has brought his video camera and wants her to admit on video what she did and that she agrees to accept corporal punishment. Steve videos this and he also videos the spanking Mr. King then gives her. This is much harder than the spanking she had earlier from Steve. It’s also much longer, well over 300 good hard spanks that turn her bottom bright red. When Mr. King is satisfied he suggests Steve might like to take over so Lauren’s ordeal is far from over.

This video is presented for the first time in split screen High Definition 1920 x 1080p, and has been completely remastered with the help of AI software to see Lauren, the girl with the spankable bottom, as you’ve never seen her before. MP4 Version


File Name : LAUREN CLIP 1 NEW MP4.mp4
File Size : 949.22 MB
Resolution : 1920×1080
Duration : 00:22:47


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