Home / Universal Spanking and Punishments / The Hard Wooden Hairbrush – Kelli Curtis – Universal Spanking and Punishments

The Hard Wooden Hairbrush – Kelli Curtis – Universal Spanking and Punishments

Kelli Curtis and her step-sister grew up in a strict yet loving household. However, they both turned out lovely and they even live rather close to one another up until this day. The two women also both married the men of their dreams, country life is good for their families.

On the day that Kelli was married her step-dad made it abundantly clear to the new husband that if his new wife ever became unruly or out of hand that he would provide correction in the form of corporal punishment. Kelli’s spouse didn’t take it seriously, but over time (and after several bouts of defiance and disrespect) her spouse would call Kelli’s step-dad to visit the ranch and deal with her bad behavior. Recently, both Kelli and her step-sister (Carissa Dumond) made the terrible decision to go out partying without notifying their husbands, this lead to both men being worried and alarmed. Eventually the two women returned home and couldn’t offer a good explanation for their terrible decisions. That was one of those times where a strict spanking was more than deserved, so a call was made and their old man drove into town ready to deliver discipline, with paddles and a hairbrush in hand!

Going out like that and not informing anyone where they were going to be was very irresponsible. Both women were instructed by their step-dad to wear attire that reflected their maturity level, so they were required to attain schoolgirl outfits for their punishments. It was absolutely humiliating to have to go to the mall and buy outfits specifically for bare bottom punishment!

When the day came, each woman would be spanked individually, Kelli would go first. She was positioned to go over her step-dad’s knee and he quickly laid into her bottom! She knew what the punishment was for and the intent was to apply serious pain to Kelli’s cheeks that would have her feeling sorry and remorseful. Her step-dad used his hand at first, and that hand made a serious impact as Kelli was kicking away over the man’s knee! To make matter worse, two leather paddles were applied to her bare bottom, effectively causing Kelli to re-think how she treated her husband.

Even after a hand spanking and paddling that had Kelli restless and swollen, an old wooden hairbrush was later applied to her naked buttocks! Kelli’s old man wasn’t taking any chances, it was a long drive to the country and he wanted to make sure that his grown step-daughter was fully repentant. She would end up taking many swats with that brush, wearing the wayward woman right out. This video is all action and features some awesome spanking, you’re going to enjoy this one.

Note: Carissa Dumond and Aquaphilias appear verbally in an outtake only, Carissa stars in the second part of this must see series that will be released soon!

Kelli Curtis

File Name : The Hard Wooden Hairbrush.mp4
File Size : 515.57 MB
Resolution : 1920×1080
Duration : 00:11:43

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