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The Oasis Bar Incident – Universal Spanking and Punishments

Delta Hauser is a sexy woman who doesn’t show appreciation for her man. She takes advantage of him, she lies, and worst of all she cheats. Delta may be a young woman, but she knows better and she’s been deserving of a humiliating punishment for awhile. Take last Saturday Night for example, while at the Oasis Bar she slipped away from her boyfriend to the mens room to spend time with another guy. She might have gotten away with it, but her boyfriend’s best friend was at the bar with them and he caught a glimpse of what was going down!

When they all arrived back home, Delta’s boyfriend became incapacitated. This became the perfect moment for the best friend to confront Delta in an effort to reach a compromise. At first Delta denied what she did, but once she saw that the best friend had proof, her first instinct was to offer him sexual favors for his silence. Instead, he demanded that Delta accept a hard spanking for what she did, it would be an attempt to turn her into a better woman!

She’d be taken over the knee for a spanking and a paddling, something that she hadn’t felt in several years. Delta remembered how her father would punish her and this brought back a flood of painful memories. The best friend would also bend her over the bed for a longer and harder paddling, swat after swat would land on her bare and exposed bottom! Delta was sore and swollen by the time that the punishment was over with,…let’s just hope that she stays on track and treats her boyfriend better or surely she’ll face more stern spankings.

Delta Hauser

File Name : The Oasis Bar Incident.mp4
File Size : 1543.42 MB
Resolution : 1920×1080
Duration : 00:21:06

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